Document Type
Conference Proceeding
European Academy of Design
Faculty of Education and Arts
School of Communication and Arts / Centre for Research in Entertainment, Arts, Technology, Education and Communications
This paper describes the introduction of service design into a university design course that previously promoted itself as industry-based and practice-driven—but which had not necessarily kept pace with the contemporary meanings of these terms. The followings discuss the need to teach service design in Western Australia. These are being highlighted through the latest development in business community, government and NGOs that seek innovation and sustainability. Edith Cowan University Design Department therefore is committed to teach socially-focused projects (such as wayfinding; civic identity; designing out crime) connect students with the public and real clients through collaborative practice and social design workshops. These changes are showing positive feedbacks from students and the community. Expected outcomes in the next 6 to 12 months are to establish clear point of difference to other design education providers in the state, and to see more design students working in and with other areas of the university.
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Kueh, C. , Medley, S. , & Price, A. (2013). Service Design 101: The joy and challenge of introducing service design into an undergraduate design curriculum. In Proceedings of 10th European Academy of Design Conference. Gothenburg, Sweden: European Academy of Design. Available here