Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of the Energy Institute



First Page


Last Page





School of Engineering / Centre for Sustainable Energy and Resources




This is an authors accepted manuscript version of an article published by Elsevier in Journal of the Energy Institute.

Matamba, T., Iglauer, S., & Keshavarz, A. (2022). A progress insight of the formation of hydrogen rich syngas from coal gasification. Journal of the Energy Institute, 105, 81-102.


This review paper aims to explore the research progress in the formation of hydrogen rich gas from different innovative coal gasification parameters. Promotion effects of parameters such as pressure, temperature, catalyst, coal type, reactor setup, and gasification agents (H2O, O2, supercritical water) were extensively analysed. The formation of hydrogen gas through coal gasification was sub-divided into H2 production from fixed bed gasification system, fluidized bed system, and entrained flow system. The advantages of coal and biomass co-gasification towards clean energy formation was also reviewed. Co-gasification and elevated temperatures, pressures, and steam-carbon ratios were reported to positively influence the yields of H2 gas by facilitating steam reforming and water gas shift reactions. The presence of different catalyst and sorbents in the gasification reaction systems was also noticed to enhance the concentration of hydrogen in the gaseous products. Production of hydrogen rich syngas from fixed bed and fluidized bed gasifiers was assessed, and both methods were found to favour the formation of hydrogen gas. The polygeneration of hydrogen gas, electricity and carbon dioxide capture was discovered to be feasible via coal gasification techniques.



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