Document Type

Journal Article

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Centre for Precision Health




Open Access Funding provided by Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona


Chino, B., Cuesta, P., Pacios, J., de Frutos-Lucas, J., Torres-Simón, L., Doval, S., ... & Maestú, F. (2023). Episodic memory dysfunction and hypersynchrony in brain functional networks in cognitively intact subjects and MCI: A study of 379 individuals. GeroScience, 45, 477-489.


Delayed recall (DR) impairment is one of the most significant predictive factors in defining the progression to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Changes in brain functional connectivity (FC) could accompany this decline in the DR performance even in a resting state condition from the preclinical stages to the diagnosis of AD itself, so the characterization of the relationship between the two phenomena has attracted increasing interest. Another aspect to contemplate is the potential moderator role of the APOE genotype in this association, considering the evidence about their implication for the disease. 379 subjects (118 mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 261 cognitively intact (CI) individuals) underwent an extensive evaluation, including MEG recording. Applying cluster-based permutation test, we identified a cluster of differences in FC and studied which connections drove such an effect in DR. The moderation effect of APOE genotype between FC results and delayed recall was evaluated too. Higher FC in beta band in the right occipital region is associated with lower DR scores in both groups. A significant anteroposterior link emerged in the seed-based analysis with higher values in MCI. Moreover, APOE genotype appeared as a moderator between beta FC and DR performance only in the CI group. An increased beta FC in the anteroposterior brain region appears to be associated with lower memory performance in MCI. This finding could help discriminate the pattern of the progression of healthy aging to MCI and the relation between resting state and memory performance.



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