Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Social Sciences & Humanities Open




School of Education




Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J. E., Lummis, G. W., & Jones, A. (2023). Creativity and initial teacher education: Reflections of secondary visual arts teachers in Ghana. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 7(1), article 100385.


The development of creativity through learning is a significant part of Ghana's pre-tertiary education system framework. Achieving the successful implementation of creativity from policy to practice in schools relies on teachers in the local school system, who are shaped by their past teaching experiences and the training they have received during initial teacher education (ITE). Using interviews and observation data, this case study explored 16 secondary visual arts teachers' experiences and reflections on their training in relation to creativity and its impact on their current practice. Five themes emerged from an inductive analysis: containment, free expression, self-directed learning, replication of similar ideas and accountability-driven artistic productions. The study recommended both in-service training and ITE need to focus on creativity among other 21st-century skills in order for teachers to effectively implement creativity processes in their pedagogies. Additional measures for improving creativity in facets of ITE and teaching practice are discussed.



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