Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Neuro-Oncology




School of Medical and Health Sciences / Exercise Medicine Research Institute




National Health and Medical Research Council

Grant Number

NHMRC Number : APP2017080


Martin, J. A., Hart, N. H., Bradford, N., Naumann, F., Pinkham, M. B., Pinkham, E. P., & Holland, J. J. (2023). Prevalence and management of sleep disturbance in adults with primary brain tumours and their caregivers: A systematic review. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 162, 25-44.


Purpose: The aims of this systematic review were to (1) examine the prevalence, severity, manifestations, and clinical associations/risk factors of sleep disturbance in primary brain tumour (PBT) survivors and their caregivers; and (2) determine whether there are any sleep-focused interventons reported in the literature pertaining to people affected by PBT. Methods: This systematic review was registered with the international register for systematic reviews (PROSPERO: CRD42022299332). PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, PsychINFO, and CINAHL were electronically searched for relevant articles reporting sleep disturbance and/or interventions for managing sleep disturbance published between September 2015 and May 2022. The search strategy included terms focusing on sleep disturbance, primary brain tumours, caregivers of PBT survivors, and interventions. Two reviewers conducted the quality appraisal (JBI Critical Appraisal Tools) independently, with results compared upon completion. Results: 34 manuscripts were eligible for inclusion. Sleep disturbance was highly prevalent in PBT survivors with associations between sleep disturbance and some treatments (e.g., surgical resection, radiotherapy, corticosteroid use), as well as other prevalent symptoms (e.g., fatigue, drowsiness, stress, pain). While the current review was unable to find any sleep-targeted interventions, preliminary evidence suggests physical activity may elicit beneficial change on subjectively reported sleep disturbance in PBT survivors. Only one manuscript that discussed caregivers sleep disturbance was identified. Conclusions: Sleep disturbance is a prevalent symptom experienced by PBT survivors, yet there is a distinct lack of sleep-focused interventions in this population. This includes a need for future research to include caregivers, with only one study identified. Future research exploring interventions directly focused on the management of sleep disturbance in the context of PBT is warranted.



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