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Edith Cowan University / ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child


School of Arts and Humanities




Jayakumar, E., Stevenson, K. See, H. & Ryu, Y. (2023). A Model for Children’s Digital Citizenship in India, Korea, and Australia: Stakeholder engagement principles. ECU/Centre for the Digital Child.


This white paper communicates research activities and findings investigating digital safety and digital citizenship through multistakeholder collaborations in three countries—India, South Korea, and Australia. Performed by an Edith Cowan University-based research team from the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child, supported by the LEGO Group, this research additionally responds to many recent policy and practice reviews arguing for institutional and policy engagement in the Asia Pacific (APAC) that build children’s digital safety, literacy and citizenship. These include the UNESCO data-driven report, Digital Kids Asia Pacific (DKAP): Insights into children’s digital citizenship (UNESCO, 2019), an earlier UNESCO review of policy, Building digital citizenship in Asia Pacific through safe, effective and responsible use of ICT (UNESCO, 2016) and a UNICEF scoping paper, Digital literacy for children (Nascimbeni & Vosloo, 2019). These reports highlight the importance of stakeholders engaging with new ways to foster digital literacy and digital citizenship...



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