Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Management Research Review




School of Business and Law




School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University


This is an Authors Accepted Manuscript version of an article published by Emerald in Management Research Review. The published article is available at:

Nejati, M., & Shafaei, A. (2023). The role of inclusive leadership in fostering organisational learning behaviour. Management Research Review, 46(12), 1661-1678.


Purpose: Organisational learning is fundamental in establishing a fearless organisation, creating a competitive advantage and maintaining a sustained growth. While research suggests that leaders can influence organisational learning, there is currently no empirical evidence on how inclusive leadership fosters organisational learning behaviour. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between inclusive leadership and organisational learning behaviour. It also seeks to explore the mediating role of psychological safety and climate for initiatives in the mentioned relationship. Design/methodology/approach: The study used a two-wave quantitative examination with 317 respondents. Online survey was used to collect data from randomly selected full-time Australian employees in two times. The data were then analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling to provide insights. Findings: The study found empirical evidence on the positive association of inclusive leadership and organisational learning behaviour. Moreover, the two mediation paths of psychological safety and climate for initiative were supported for the relationship between inclusive leadership and organisational learning behaviour. Research limitations/implications: The current study contributes to theory by examining the role of inclusive leadership on organisational learning behaviour through two relatively unexplored mediating paths. It suggests how inclusive leadership can create a fearless organisation through fostering learning behaviour within the organisation which empowers organisations to sustain growth. Despite controlling for and assessing endogeneity, due to the cross-sectional design of the study, it is limited in demonstrating causal links. Originality/value: The current study provides empirical evidence on the role of inclusive leadership in fostering organisational learning behaviour through two mediating paths of psychological safety and climate for initiatives. The proposed model sets the ground for future research to further develop insights on positive impacts of inclusive leadership within organisations.



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