Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology




School of Engineering




Kalantariasl, A., Farhadi, I., Farzani, S., & Keshavarz, A. (2022). A new comprehensive dimensionless inflow performance relationship for gas wells. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 12, 2257-2269.


Prediction of gas well deliverability is important for reservoir management. Conventional flow after flow, isochronal or modified isochronal tests are common methods for calculation of well deliverability. Single-point test using Vogel-type dimensionless inflow performance relationships (IPR) was also proposed to overcome the need for multi-point tests. However, analysis of field data showed that existing dimensionless IPR correlations fail to accurately predict well deliverability for some reservoir conditions. In this study, a wide range of reservoir rock and fluid data was used to develop a comprehensive dimensionless IPR correlation for calculation of gas well deliverability from single-point test data. Multi-point well test data from 61 different gas wells of 15 fields were used to compare predicted absolute open flow (AOF) and calculated AOF from multi-point test data. The data used for validation of the proposed dimensionless IPR cover a wide range of actual AOFs (2.1–1411 MMSCF/D). Good agreement between predicted well deliverability from new dimensionless IPR and that from multi-point test was achieved. In addition, superiority of the new dimensionless IPR to previous correlations was confirmed for a wide range of reservoir conditions through error analysis. The average absolute error for new model is 11.6% (standard deviation of 8.5%) while for the other models are 85.9% (standard deviation of 148.1%) and 68.6% (standard deviation of 115.3%) for a wide range of field data.



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