Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Clinical Nursing





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School of Nursing and Midwifery




Barnets lyckopenning / Region Östergötland / Stiftelsen Sven Jerrings Fond


Helmer, C. S., Thornberg, U. B., Abrahamsson, T., & Mörelius, E. (2023). Mothers' experiences of a new early collaborative intervention, the EACI, in the neonatal period: A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 32(11-12), 2892-2902.


Aim: To explore mothers' experiences of the EArly Collaborative Intervention. Background: Preterm birth puts a considerable emotional and psychological burden on parents and families. Parents to moderate and late premature infants have shorter stays at the neonatal intensive care unit and have described a need for support. The EArly Collaborative Intervention was developed to support parents with preterm infants born between gestational Weeks 30 to 36. In this study, mothers' experiences of the new intervention were explored. Design: A qualitative design guided by a reflexive thematic analysis according to Braun and Clarke. Interviews were individually performed with 23 mothers experienced with the EArly Collaborative Intervention. Data were identified, analysed and reported using reflexive thematic analysis. The COREQ checklist was used preparing the manuscript. Results: Two main overarching themes were constructed. The first theme, ‘mothers' feelings evoked from the EArly Collaborative Intervention’ describes the emotions raised by the intervention and how the intervention affected their parental role. Their awareness of the preterm baby's behaviour increased, and the intervention helped the parents to communicate around their baby's needs. The second theme, ‘based on the preterm baby's behavior’, describes experiences of the provision and the learning process about their preterm baby's needs and communication. The intervention was experienced as helpful both immediately and for future interaction with the baby. Conclusions: Mothers found the intervention to be supportive and encouraging. They came to look upon their baby as an individual, and the new knowledge on how to care and interact with their baby affected both their own and their baby's well-being. Furthermore, the intervention felt strengthening for their relationship with the other parent. Relevance to Clinical Practice: The EArly Collaborative Intervention can support parents' abilities as well as their relation to their baby and may thereby contribute to infant development, cognition and well-being.



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