Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

The Patient - Patient-Centred Outcomes Research

PubMed ID





School of Medical and Health Sciences




Open Access funding enabled and organized by CAUL and its Member Institutions


Kularatna, S., Allen, M., Hettiarachchi, R. M., Crawford-Williams, F., Senanayake, S., Brain, D., . . . Chan, R. J. (2023). Cancer survivor preferences for models of breast cancer follow-up care: Selecting attributes for inclusion in a discrete choice experiment. The Patient - Patient-Centred Outcomes Research, 16(4), 371-383.


Background and Objective: It is critical to evaluate cancer survivors’ preferences when developing follow-up care models to better address the needs of cancer survivors. This study was conducted to understand the key attributes of breast cancer follow-up care for use in a future discrete choice experiment (DCE) survey. Methods: Key attributes of breast cancer follow-up care models were generated using a multi-stage, mixed-methods approach. Focus group discussions were conducted with cancer survivors and clinicians to generate a range of attributes of current and ideal follow-up care. These attributes were then prioritised using an online survey with survivors and healthcare providers. The DCE attributes and levels were finalised via an expert panel discussion based on the outcomes of the previous stages. Results: Four focus groups were held, two with breast cancer survivors (n = 7) and two with clinicians (n = 8). Focus groups generated sixteen attributes deemed important for breast cancer follow-up care models. The prioritisation exercise was conducted with 20 participants (14 breast cancer survivors and 6 clinicians). Finally, the expert panel selected five attributes for a future DCE survey tool to elicit cancer survivors’ preferences on breast cancer follow-up care. The final attributes included: the care team, allied health and supportive care, survivorship care planning, travel for appointments, and out-of-pocket costs. Conclusions: Attributes identified can be used in future DCE studies to elicit cancer survivors’ preferences for breast cancer follow-up care. This strengthens the design and implementation of follow-up care programs that best suit the needs and expectations of breast cancer survivors.



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