Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Chemical Engineering Journal






School of Science




Edith Cowan University / Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan


Asif, A. H., Rafique, N., Hirani, R. A. K., Shi, L., Wang, Y., Duan, X., . . . Sun, H. (2023). Chemical Engineering Journal, 469, article 143915.


Design of metal–organic framework (MOF) derived metal oxides is an effective approach for environmental remediation. The current study describes the fabrication of MIL-53-derived perforated CuFe2O4/Fe2O3 using a facile, one-step, post-thermal solid-state approach by varying Cu/Fe ratios. Herein, the release of CO2 and H2O during the thermal treatment facilitates the incorporation of Cu2+ onto the Fe2O3 structure, forming a perforated hollow CuFe2O4/Fe2O3 composite via an in-situ ion-exchange mechanism. The optimised catalyst CF-0.5 displays a high degradation efficiency for the removal of sulfamethoxazole (SMX) by heterogeneous activation of peroxymonsulfate (PMS), ascribing to the better textural, morphological, and elemental properties of the novel catalyst. Important reaction parameters such as pH, catalyst loading, PMS dosage, pollutant kind and concentration, and reaction temperature are further optimised to develop a cost-effective catalytic system. The magnetically recoverable catalyst outlines a high stability rate, and only a 9 % efficiency loss is observed even after the fourth cycle. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are identified by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) and their roles are determined by performing quenching experiments. In the end, a detailed study of the mineralisation ability and reaction intermediates is performed and possible pathways for the degradation mechanism are proposed. This study not only introduces a facile approach for the fabrication of MOF-driven nanomaterials but provides insights into the removal of emerging contaminants such as SMX.



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