Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Cancer Causes & Control




School of Medical and Health Sciences




Victorian Cancer Agency (MCRF18005)

Open Access funding enabled and organized by CAUL and its Member Institutions

2011 Priority-driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme (1029874)

Cancer Council Australia

Cancer Council New South Wales

Cancer Australia


Basiri, Z., Yang, Y., Bruinsma, F. J., Nowak, A. K., McDonald, K. L., Drummond, K. J., . . . Lynch, B. M. (2022). Physical activity and glioma: A case–control study with follow-up for survival. Cancer Causes & Control, 33, 749-157.



High-grade disease accounts for ~ 70% of all glioma, and has a high mortality rate. Few modifiable exposures are known to be related to glioma risk or mortality.


We examined associations between lifetime physical activity and physical activity at different ages (15–18 years, 19–29 years, 30–39 years, last 10 years) with the risk of glioma diagnosis, using data from a hospital-based family case–control study (495 cases; 371 controls). We followed up cases over a median of 25 months to examine whether physical activity was associated with all-cause mortality. Physical activity and potential confounders were assessed by self-administered questionnaire. We examined associations between physical activity (metabolic equivalent [MET]-h/wk) and glioma risk using unconditional logistic regression and with all-cause mortality in cases using Cox regression.


We noted a reduced risk of glioma for the highest ( ≥ 47 MET-h/wk) versus lowest ( < 24 METh/wk) category of physical activity for lifetime activity (OR = 0.58, 95% CI: 0.38–0.89) and at 15–18 years (OR = 0.57, 95% CI: 0.39–0.83). We did not observe any association between physical activity and all-cause mortality (HR for lifetime physical activity = 0.91, 95% CI: 0.64–1.29).


Our findings are consistent with previous research that suggested physical activity during adolescence might be protective against glioma. Engaging in physical activity during adolescence has many health benefits; this health behavior may also offer protection against glioma.



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