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Frontiers in Veterinary Science




Frontiers Media S.A.


School of Medical and Health Sciences


Jelinek, H. F., Mousa, M., Alefishat, E., Osman, W., Spence, I., Bu, D., . . . Alsafar, H. S. (2023). Corrigendum: Evolution, ecology, and zoonotic transmission of betacoronaviruses: A review. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10, 1215156.


In the published article, there was an error in the legend for Figure 1 as published. The figure legend did not indicate that it has been adapted from Plowright et al. (2017). Copyright permission was obtained from Springer Nature to adapt Figure 1 from Plowright et al. (2017). The corrected legend appears below. Figure 1. Zoonotic risk distribution, pathway to spillover, and the multimodal role of the determinants of spillover. The zoonotic risk is demonstrated by the accumulated distribution of reservoir hosts and vectors that play a role in the pathway to spillover. The risk of spillover is determined by a series of processes from the ecological dynamics of reservoir host distribution and density, to the susceptibility, replication and dissemination of the biological factors in the recipient host. This is also reflected in the multimodal role of the determinants of spillover, demonstrating the disciplines that are being used to study zoonotic transmission and the determinants of spillover. This figure was adapted from Figure 1 in Plowright et al. (2). Copyright permission was obtained with license number 55218980848529. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.



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