Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health





PubMed ID





School of Medical and Health Sciences




Telethon Perth Children’s Hospital Research Fun / Joondalup Health Campus / Paul Ramsay Foundation / Commonwealth Government of Australia / Channel 7 Telethon Trust / Telethon Kids Institute / Biobank / Future Health Research and Innovation Fund


D'Vaz, N., Kidd, C., Miller, S., Amin, M., Davis, J. A., Talati, Z., . . . Prescott, S. L. (2023). The origins project biobank: A collaborative bio resource for investigating the developmental origins of health and disease. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(13), article 6297.


Early onset Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), including obesity, allergies, and mental ill-health in childhood, present a serious and increasing threat to lifelong health and longevity. The ORGINS Project (ORIGINS) addresses the urgent need for multidisciplinary efforts to understand the detrimental multisystem impacts of modern environments using well-curated large-scale longitudinal biological sample collections. ORGINS is a prospective community birth cohort aiming to enrol 10,000 pregnant people and follow each family until the children reach 5 years of age. A key objective is to generate a comprehensive biorepository on a sub-group of 4000 families invited to contribute blood, saliva, buccal cells, urine, stool, hair, house dust, cord blood, placenta, amniotic fluid, meconium, breastmilk, and colostrum over eight timepoints spanning the antenatal period and early childhood. Uniquely, ORIGINS includes a series of nested sub-projects, including interventions and clinical trials addressing different aspects of health. While this adds complexity as the project expands, it provides the opportunity for comparative studies. This research design promotes a multidisciplinary, multisystem approach to biological sample collection, analysis, and data sharing to ensure more integrated perspectives and solutions. This paper details the evolving protocol of our collaborative biobanking concept. Further, we outline our future visions for local, national, and ultimately international, comparative, and collaborative opportunities to advance our understanding of early onset NCDs and the opportunities to improve health outcomes for future generations.



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