Re-approach to event volunteer management by an understanding of the motivations and demographics of Australian event volunteers

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

CAUTHE 2023: West, East, South, North: Redirecting Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Events: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference


Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE)


School of Business and Law




Kim, E. (2023). Re-approach to event volunteer management by an understanding of the motivations and demographics of Australian event volunteers. In CAUTHE 2023: West, East, South, North: Redirecting Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Events: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference (pp. 101-111). Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE).


Volunteering has promoted people to be more active in event engagement. Decisions about the most appropriate approach in terms of volunteer management and engagement would be best informed by an understanding of the motives and characteristics of volunteers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of motivation and demographic characteristics of event volunteers in Australia. This study contained a sample of volunteers from the Australian PGA Championship event (n=152) and conducted a survey. Frequency analysis and exploratory factor analysis were used. In this study, most volunteers were retired male aged 60 or older and married, having a normally high level of education. Five motivation factors were found: Love and Pride of Sport event, Expression of Values, Interpersonal Contacts, Career Orientation, and Extrinsic Rewards. This study contributes to a better understanding of event volunteers to reconsider the effective event volunteer management and get more engaged in event volunteering.

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