Distance vector and prominent reliable path selection based stochastic routing in distributed internet of things

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

2023 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC)

First Page


Last Page





School of Engineering




Abid, Q., Abbas, G., Ali, Z., Abbas, Z. H., Tu, S., Harrath, Y., & Waqas, M. (2023). Distance vector and prominent reliable path selection based stochastic routing in distributed internet of things. In 2023 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC) (pp. 935-940). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/IWCMC58020.2023.10183066


Delayed delivery of packets hinders the performance of time-sensitive Internet of Things (IoT) applications and incurs increased power consumption. Stochastic routing schemes solve the problem of saving all participating nodes from getting their power drained out quickly. However, stochastic routing incurs the problem of delivery delays and reliable end-to-end delivery. This paper proposes a novel routing scheme, called Qi j routing, to solve these problems. The proposed Qi j routing scheme is a combination of a classic routing scheme, called Distance Vector Algorithm, with a novel re-definition of the cost of a link to find the best path from source to destination. Qi j takes into account the wireless link reliability of any connection between two nodes, and the transmission delay of IoT devices working together in a distributed network. With the presented mathematical model, a routing table is maintained that let an individual node in a network find the distinctly prominent reliable path among many routes from source to destination. The superior efficiency of Qi j routing scheme over eminent stochastic routing schemes is proven through simulation results in terms of reduced end-to-end expected delivery delay and increased expected delivery ratio.



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