Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Energy Reports



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School of Engineering




Hossain, M. S., Islam, M. R., Das, A., Himal, H. H., Das, B. K., Roy, T. K., & Hasan, M. S. (2023). An energy-efficient pumping system for sustainable cities and society: Optimization, mathematical modeling, and, impact assessment. Energy Reports, 10, article 819-836.


In this research work, we have focused on one of the reasons called drawdown (difference between static and pumping heads) for getting maximum efficiency. Therefore, various mechanical attachments have been designed and fabricated for performance evaluation. Since pump performance and drawdown are inversely related, the primary goal is to reduce drawdown as much as possible. The effect of various types of mechanical attachments on pump performance is investigated in this research work. Three bowl-type mechanical attachments can be integrated at once and can increase efficiency by up to 58%, which is 8% more than utilizing no attachment. Additionally, the impact of bore well diameter on pump performance has been studied. In addition, the impact of applying mechanical attachment at two pumping sites has been investigated, and a considerable amount of energy savings has been found. The response surface methodology (RSM)-based optimization of the various input parameters has also been examined. It was found that the maximum 62.04 % could be achieved through a head of 66.5 m, a discharge of 0.012 m3/s, an input power of 12,605 W, and a bore well diameter of 0.215054 m, having three bowl-type mechanical attachments at a time. The mathematical modeling was also performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and formulated some equations for pumping efficiency with various pumping input parameters. Since there is very little variation between actual and anticipated performance, it can be used to evaluate the pumping system's performance in relation to various input parameters. As a result, maintaining sustainable cities and societies might greatly benefit from the energy-efficient pumping system.



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