Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Sports Medicine - Open








School of Medical and Health Sciences




Dr. Kimberley Way is supported by an Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Fellowship. Dr. Lewan Parker is supported by an NHMRC & National Heart Foundation Early Career Fellowship (GNT1157930). Dr. Derek Tran is supported by a National Heart Foundation of Australia Vanguard Grant (102277), and the Medical Research Future Fund—Cardiovascular Health Mission—Congenital Heart Disease Grant (ARGCHDG000016).

Grant Number

NHMRC Number : GNT1157930


Way, K. L., Thomas, H. J., Parker, L., Maiorana, A., Keske, M. A., Scott, D., ... & Tran, D. L. (2023). Cluster Sets to Prescribe Interval Resistance Training: A Potential Method to Optimise Resistance Training Safety, Feasibility and Efficacy in Cardiac Patients. Sports Medicine-Open, 9, article 86.


The integration of resistance training for cardiac patients leads to important health outcomes that are not optimally obtained with aerobic exercise; these include an increase in muscle mass, maintenance of bone mineral density, and improvements in muscular fitness parameters. Despite the proliferation of evidence supporting resistance exercise in recent decades, the implementation of resistance training is underutilised, and prescription is often sub-optimal in cardiac patients. This is frequently associated with safety concerns and inadequate methods of practical exercise prescription. This review discusses the potential application of cluster sets to prescribe interval resistance training in cardiac populations. The addition of planned, regular passive intra-set rest periods (cluster sets) in resistance training (i.e., interval resistance training) may be a practical solution for reducing the magnitude of haemodynamic responses observed with traditional resistance training. This interval resistance training approach may be a more suitable option for cardiac patients. Additionally, many cardiac patients present with impaired exercise tolerance; this model of interval resistance training may be a more suitable option to reduce fatigue, increase patient tolerance and enhance performance to these workloads. Practical strategies to implement interval resistance training for cardiac patients are also discussed. Preliminary evidence suggests that interval resistance training may lead to safer acute haemodynamic responses in cardiac patients. Future research is needed to determine the efficacy and feasibility of interval resistance training for health outcomes in this population.



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