Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


American Chemical Society


School of Science




Edith Cowan University / Australian Government / GRDC / CSIRO


Bahmani, M., Juhász, A., Bose, U., Nye-Wood, M. G., Blundell, M., Howitt, C. A., & Colgrave, M. L. (2023). Proteome changes resulting from malting in hordein-reduced barley lines. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 71(38), 14079-14091.


Hordeum vulgare L., commonly known as barley, is primarily used for animal feed and malting. The major storage proteins in barley are hordeins, known triggers of celiac disease (CD). Here, sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH)-MS proteomics was employed to investigate the proteome profile of grain and malt samples from the malting barley cultivar Sloop and single-, double-, and triple hordein-reduced lines bred in a Sloop background. Using a discovery proteomics approach, 2688 and 3034 proteins were detected from the grain and malt samples, respectively. By utilizing label-free relative quantitation through SWATH-MS, a total of 2654 proteins have been quantified from grain and malt. The comparative analyses between the barley grain and malt samples revealed that the C-hordein-reduced lines have a more significant impact on proteome level changes due to malting than B- and D-hordein-reduced lines. Upregulated proteins in C-hordein-reduced lines were primarily involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and fatty acid peroxidation processes to provide more energy for seed germination during malting. By applying proteomics approaches after malting in hordein-reduced barley lines, we uncovered additional changes in the proteome driven by the genetic background that were not apparent in the sound grain. Our findings offer valuable insights for barley breeders and maltsters seeking to understand and optimize the performance of gluten-free grains in malt products.



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