Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Public Health Research & Practice


Sax Institute


Exercise Medicine Research Institute




Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M. I., Dana, L. M., Rai, R., Jackson, B., & Newton, R. U. (2023). Testing campaign slogans designed to motivate older people to be more physically active. Public Health Research & Practice, 33(3), article e3332323.


Objectives and importance of study: Being physically active is critical for healthy ageing, yet many older people do not meet physical activity guidelines. The aim of this study was to test the relative effectiveness of five previously identified campaign slogans designed to encourage older people to be more physically active: ‘Be active 30–60 minutes a day to stay fit and well’; ‘Move more, live longer’; ‘Stay fit to stay functional’; ‘This is your time – enjoy being strong and active’; and ‘Use it or lose it’. Study type: Online experiment Methods: A total of 1200 Australians aged 50 years and older (50% female, mean age 65 years) were recruited to complete an online survey, with respondents randomised to answer a series of questions on a video featuring one of the five slogan conditions. One-way ANOVAs with Tukey’s post-hoc tests were used to identify differences in outcomes between slogans. Results: Overall, the slogans were assessed favourably, suggesting older adults may be receptive to messages about increasing their physical activity. ‘Use it or lose it ‘performed best across the outcome measures of internal and external motivation, perceived effectiveness, liking, believability, and personal relevance. Conclusion: Efforts to encourage physical activity among older Australians could use the slogan ‘Use it or lose it’ as an evidence-based tagline. © 2023 Pettigrew et al.



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