The queers are all right: A content analysis of LGBTQIA + mental health on TikTok

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Culture, Health and Sexuality


Taylor & Francis


School of Medical and Health Sciences




Telethon Kids Institute Research Focus Area Collaboration Award


Pacienti, R., Pranoto, E. P., Woolard, A., Munro, E., & Lombardi, K. (2023). The queers are all right: A content analysis of LGBTQIA + mental health on TikTok. Culture, Health & Sexuality. Advance Online Publication.


The formation of online communities instils a sense of connectedness which can ameliorate the mental health concerns that result from minority stressors for lesbian, gay, queer, intersex, asexual, and other diverse genders/sexualities (LGBTQIA+). The aim of this study was to explore how LGBTQIA + people communicate social and mental health concerns on TikTok. It was anticipated that factors affecting mental health, such as minority stressors and community connectedness, would be addressed by the videos collected. Engagement statistics, demographics and content analysis were used to describe the 50 most-viewed videos across the top five related hashtags: #genderidentity, #lgbtqawareness, #sexualidentity, #lgbtmentalhealth, and #transmentalhealth. The content analysis indicates that TikTok is used as a way for members of the LGBTQIA + community to connect with each other and enhance feelings of community connectedness, which research shows may buffer the effects of minority stressors. Engagement with social media can be especially beneficial for those who may not be able to connect in the real-world. Further interactions, such as analysis of the comment section, should be investigated to develop a fuller understanding of how LGBTQIA + TikTok users respond to these contents. © 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.



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