Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Marketing




School of Business and Law




George, R., D'Alessandro, S., Mehmet, M. I., Nikidehaghano, M., Evans, M. M., Laud, G., & Tedmanson, D. (2023). On the path to decolonizing health care services: The role of marketing. Journal of Marketing, 88(1), 138-159.


Despite considerable investment, health outcomes for First Nations people are well below those of the rest of the population in several countries, including Canada, the United States, and Australia. In this article, the authors draw on actor-network theory and the case of Birthing on Country, a successful policy initiative led by First Nations Australians, to explore the decolonization of health services. Using publicly available archival data and the theoretical guidance of actor-network theory, the analysis offers insight into how marketing techniques and technologies can be deployed to achieve improved health outcomes and implement decolonized approaches. The insights provided have theoretical implications for marketing scholarship, social implications for understanding and implementing an agenda of decolonization, and practical implications for health care marketing.



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