Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Chemical Education




School of Science




National Science Foundation of South Africa / Edith Cowan University


Khan, M. A. H., Harrison, T. G., Wajrak, M., Grimshaw, M., Schofield, K. G., Trew, A. J., . . . Shallcross, D. E. (2023). Flipping the thinking on equality, diversity, and inclusion. why EDI is essential for the development and progression of the chemical sciences: A case study approach. Journal of Chemical Education, 100(11), 4279-4286.


All learners have a contribution to make to the development of the Chemical Sciences, be that in novel ways to teach, and their perspectives and contexts, but also in research, both in chemical education and the wider Chemical Sciences. Through four case studies, this paper explores interactions with diverse groups and how this has altered perspectives on both teaching and research. The case studies include work with visually impaired adults, a project bringing together First Peoples in Australia with academics to explore old ways (traditional science) and new ways (modern approaches), primary (elementary) school perspectives on teaching science, and a project in South Africa to connect university and township communities. Not only do these case studies demonstrate the immense value these diverse groups bring to our understanding about how to learn, but they also bring new perspectives on how to view and solve chemical problems.



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