Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Results in Optics






School of Engineering




Karmaker, H., Siddique, A., & Das, B. K. (2023). Numerical investigation of lead free Cs2TiBr6 based perovskite solar cell with optimal selection of electron and hole transport layer through SCAPS-1D simulation. Results in Optics, 13, article 100571.


Halide-based perovskite has several advantages, including high efficiency, ease of manufacture, and low cost. In general, hazardous lead (Pb) is used in perovskite solar cells as an absorber layer, while polymer, which is unstable in nature used as the electron/hole transport layer. Despite its appealing characteristics, the device uses of lead and degradable components must be addressed. Lead-free titanium-based inorganic perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have drawn strong scientific interest in recent years in order to reduce the possibly detrimental effects of lead on the environment. Titanium is non-toxic, robust, inexpensive, and widely available when compared to other elements. The performance of PSCs is simulated and optimized using the SCAPS-1D software. The effects of various parameters of ZnO and CuSbS2 as charge transport materials on the Cesium Titanium (IV) Bromide (Cs2TiBr6) perovskite solar cell were examined in this study. Results indicate that a highly efficient PSC with a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 26.96 %, a Voc of 1.0476 V, and an FF of 81.36 % is achieved after numerically optimized the perovskite layer thickness, doping concentration, defect density, and other device input parameters. The observed results are very encouraging and show the potential of Cs2TiBr6 for efficient and environmentally friendly solar applications. The outcomes of this study are likely to not only improve understanding but also motivate further research into the lead-free perovskite solar cell.



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