"University evaluation toolkit: Navigating evaluative practices across " by Elizabeth J. Cook and Kena Cabral Morales

Document Type



Edith Cowan University


Strategic and Governance Services Centre / Centre for Learning and Teaching


Cook, E.J., & Cabral Morales, K. (2024). University evaluation toolkit: Navigating evaluative practices across all levels with RUFDATAE [poster]. Edith Cowan University. https://doi.org/10.25958/x4f7-dw96


University stakeholders have mixed feelings about evaluation, and mixed understandings, skills and knowledge about how to effectively evaluate. How much do you know about evaluation? Could you plan an evaluation if asked? This poster provides a toolkit of strategies for enhancing evaluation in universities, based on Cook’s (2021) “Evaluation of work-integrated learning: A realist synthesis and toolkit to enhance university evaluative practices”. RUFDATAE is a modified version of Saunders’ (2000) approach.

The poster: defines evaluation; clarifies the difference between evaluation and research; summarises the four domains of evaluation in higher education; and outlines RUFDATAE, an evaluation planning framework, for prompting the following questions: R: What are the Reasons and purposes for the evaluation? U: How will the university Use the evaluation? F: What are the evaluation Foci? D: What Data and evidence should be collected and analyzed? A: Who is the Audience? T: When should evaluation Take place? A: Whose Agency will be required? E: What are the Ethical considerations?

RUFDATAE can be used to prompt reflection and decision-making for evaluation planning at any level (i.e., systemic, programmatic, institutional and/or self). It has no rules or limitations and can be used as a checklist or a planning tool.

Additional Information

An earlier version of the poster was presented at ECUlture – ECU’s annual Teaching and Learning Conference in November 2021



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