Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Materials Science & Technology



First Page


Last Page





School of Engineering / Centre for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing




Industrial Grant / Forrest Research Foundation PhD Scholarship / Australian Research Training Program Scholarship


Ma, H. Y., Wang, J. C., Qin, P., Liu, Y. J., Chen, L. Y., Wang, L. Q., & Zhang, L. C. (2024). Advances in additively manufactured titanium alloys by powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition: Microstructure, defects, and mechanical behavior. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 183, 32-62.


Ti and its alloys have been broadly adopted across various industries owing to their outstanding properties, such as high strength-to-weight ratio, excellent fatigue performance, exceptional corrosion resistance and so on. Additive manufacturing (AM) is a complement to, rather than a replacement for, traditional manufacturing processes. It enhances flexibility in fabricating complex components and resolves machining challenges, resulting in reduced lead times for custom designs. However, owing to distinctions among various AM technologies, Ti alloys fabricated by different AM methods usually present differences in microstructure and defects, which can significantly influence the mechanical performance of built parts. Therefore, having an in-depth knowledge of the scientific aspects of fabrication and material properties is crucial to achieving high-performance Ti alloys through different AM methods. This article reviews the mechanical properties of Ti alloys fabricated by two mainstream powder-type AM techniques: powder bed fusion (PBF) and directed energy deposition (DED). The review examines several key aspects, encompassing phase formation, grain size and morphology, and defects, and provides an in-depth analysis of their influence on the mechanical behaviors of Ti alloys. This review can aid researchers and engineers in selecting appropriate PBF or DED methods and optimizing their process parameters to fabricate high-performance Ti alloys for a wide range of industrial applications.



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