Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Clinical Simulation in Nursing






School of Nursing and Midwifery




Curtin University of Technology


Kelly, M. A., Slatyer, S., Tutticci, N., Ramsbotham, J., Johnston, S., Ngune, I., & Theobald, K. A. (2024). Challenging the nuances of pain assessment with co-designed audio-visual simulations in nursing education: A descriptive study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 87, article 101510.


Background: Appropriate management of pain remains a challenging issue. Surfacing nurses’ inherent assumptions about pain may lead to better pain management. This study developed and evaluated new audio-visual (AV) simulations for nursing students showcasing patient characteristics that may influence pain assessment. Methods: Descriptive pre/post intervention study informed by the STROBE framework. Participants were drawn from two Australian universities. Three AV simulations were codesigned by clinicians, educators, and health consumers. Data included: demographics, previous experiences of pain assessment; compassion scale, feasibility, and relevance of AV simulations. Quantile regression and content analyses were applied. Results: Full data sets of 491 participants (314 from Curtin University and 177 from Queensland University of Technology) were analyzed. Cohorts were equivalent except for age, country of birth, and stage within the program of study. Participants found the AV simulations easy to understand, relevant to practice, and beneficial in prompting reflection on patients’ responses to pain and nurses’ critical thinking. Compassion scores increased significantly following the intervention. Conclusions: AV simulations triggered participants’ reflection on factors that can influence pain assessment and were considered valuable learning experiences.



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