Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

npj Materials Degradation








School of Engineering


National Natural Science Foundation of China / Aeronautical Science Foundation of China / CAS Interdiscliplinary Innovation Team Project / Opening Prjoect of the National Key Laboratory of Shock Wave and Detonation Physics


Zhao, X., Liu, Y., Jia, C., Chang, H., Zhang, W., Bai, Y., . . . Yuan, W. (2024). Corrosion behavior of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing produced TiNi alloy by micro-arc oxidation. npj Materials Degradation, 8, article 13.


To improve the corrosion resistance of TiNi alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), a porous oxidation layer was synthesized by micro-arc oxidation in a sodium aluminate and sodium silicate electrolyte. The influences of the applied voltage and the processing time on the morphology of oxidation layer were investigated, and the corrosion behavior of the oxidation layer in artificial saliva was evaluated and compared with that of the as-fabricated LPBF alloy. The results indicate that, as increasing the applied voltage and the processing time, the oxidation layer becomes uniform and integrated. The optimum parameters are with an applied voltage of 450 V and processing time of 40 min. The oxidation layer primarily contains -Al2O3 and consists of two layers, i.e., a thin, compact and uniform inner layer and a porous outer layer. The formation of stable -Al2O3 phase in the coating and its almost non-porous dense structure reduce the channels for corrosion ions to penetrate into the substrate through coating, thereby improving the corrosion resistance of TiNi alloy.



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