Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation



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School of Science


Edith Cowan University


Vithana, M. D. K., Singh, Z., & Ul Hasan, M. (2024). Pre- and post-harvest elicitation with methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid followed by cold storage synergistically improves red colour development and health-promoting compounds in blood oranges. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 43, 1657-1671.


Red blush is one of the key quality markers of blood orange fruit (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). Therefore, the influence of pre- (1, 2, and 3 mM) and postharvest (0.5, 1, and 1.5 mM) methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and salicylic acid (SA) (1, 2, and 3 mM) treatments on redness, colouring pigments, and health-promoting compounds in cold stored ‘Tarocco Ippolito’ blood oranges was investigated. Preharvest application of 3 mM MeJA significantly increased rind citrus colour index (CCI) by 43.3% and colorimetric coordinate a* (redness) by 3.1% and decreased h° (hue angle, 0 = red), L* (lightness), and b* (yellowness) by 13.7%, 12.6%, and 23.4%, respectively. This treatment also enhanced CCI (57.4%), reduced h° (16.5%) and L* (36.4%), and increased total anthocyanins (88%), monomeric anthocyanins (117%), and flavonoids (77%) in the juice. Postharvest dip of 1.5 mM MeJA (5 min) improved CCI of juice (53.6%) and a* (5.5%), reduced h° (15.9%), L* (19.8%), and b* (19.4%), and increased total anthocyanins (66.7%), monomeric anthocyanins (74%), and flavonoids (23.4%) in the juice. Preharvest application of 1 mM SA increased rind CCI (50.8%) and reduced L* (13.6%), b* (16.4%), and h° (29.5%). All preharvest SA treatments significantly increased total phenolics in the juice. Lycopene was increased (61.7%) by 5 min postharvest dip of 3 mM SA. In conclusion, 3 mM preharvest spray application of MeJA four weeks before harvest and postharvest dip of 1.5 mM MeJA (5 min) are effective in improving red colour of rind and juice and health-promoting compounds in blood orange juice.



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