Document Type



Edith Cowan University


School of Education


Barblett, L., Akifeva, R., Lavina, L. & Boylan, F. (2023). Digital literacy: A review of literature. Edith Cowan University.


This report describes the main themes of collected literature to examine and explain the information in relation to making best practice recommendations for using digital technologies with children, and their families using Better Beginnings programs. These themes include:

  • definitions of literacy,
  • digital literacy in the context of childhood and children’s rights,
  • dimensions of children’s digital literacy,
  • digital technology, children and families,
  • digital divide and diversity,
  • eSafety, privacy, protection,
  • children’s digital literacy learning, and
  • librarian staff as digital literacy mentors and advocates.

The early childhood phase of childhood (particularly birth to age five) is one of the most under - researched areas in digital technology use.

Additional Information

ISBN 978-0-6457361-7-5





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