Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management





First Page


Last Page



Taylor & Francis


Centre for Learning and Teaching


Selvaratnam, R. M., Warburton, S., Parrish, D., & Crew, S. (2024). A maturity model for micro-credentialing and shorter forms of learning practice in Australasian universities. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 46(4), 409-424.


As education and training providers grapple with increasing demand for micro-credentials, guidance on how to improve providers’ capacity and capability to deliver a high standard of learning along with profitable outcomes is needed. This study sought to develop a maturity model that could assist higher education providers in distinguishing their stage of development for delivering micro-credentials and provide guidance on activities to advance micro-credential maturity. A survey of Australasian higher education providers validated the developed model and provided an indicator of the sector’s maturity and ability to meet the increasing demand for micro-credentials. The model’s domains of quality, resourcing, standards and strategy were identified as least mature across the sector. Technical infrastructure, namely a shopfront, credentialing system and platform for delivering micro-credentials was found to be the most mature. There is future scope to refine and extend the validity of the model through testing and standardisation with comparable international sectors.



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