Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing






IOP Publishing


Centre for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing


Young Individual Research Grants / Singapore RIE 2025 / Singapore Aerospace Programme Cycle 16 / Singapore A*STAR Career Development Funds / National Natural Science Foundation of China / US NSF DMR-2104933


Su, J., Jiang, F., Teng, J., Chen, L., Yan, M., Requena, G., . . . Tan, C. (2024). Recent innovations in laser additive manufacturing of titanium alloys. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 6, article 032001.


Titanium (Ti) alloys are widely used in high-tech fields like aerospace and biomedical engineering. Laser additive manufacturing (LAM), as an innovative technology, is the key driver for the development of Ti alloys. Despite the significant advancements in LAM of Ti alloys, there remain challenges that need further research and development efforts. To recap the potential of LAM high-performance Ti alloy, this article systematically reviews LAM Ti alloys with up-to-date information on process, materials, and properties. Several feasible solutions to advance LAM Ti alloys are reviewed, including intelligent process parameters optimization, LAM process innovation with auxiliary fields and novel Ti alloys customization for LAM. The auxiliary energy fields (e.g. thermal, acoustic, mechanical deformation and magnetic fields) can affect the melt pool dynamics and solidification behaviour during LAM of Ti alloys, altering microstructures and mechanical performances. Different kinds of novel Ti alloys customized for LAM, like peritectic a-Ti, eutectoid (a + B)-Ti, hybrid (a + B)-Ti, isomorphous B-Ti and eutectic B-Ti alloys are reviewed in detail. Furthermore, machine learning in accelerating the LAM process optimization and new materials development is also outlooked. This review summarizes the material properties and performance envelops and benchmarks the research achievements in LAM of Ti alloys. In addition, the perspectives and further trends in LAM of Ti alloys are also highlighted.



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