Perceptions of community care among nursing students: A cross-sectional study with implications to nursing workforce

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Nurse Education Today






School of Nursing and Midwifery / Centre for Research in Aged Care




Chee, J. M. P., Rusli, K. D. B., Tan, Z. Y. A., Tan, A. J. Q., Ang, S. G. M., Lau, S. T., . . . Liaw, S. Y. (2024). Perceptions of community care among nursing students: A cross-sectional study with implications to nursing workforce. Nurse Education Today, 137, article 106162.


Background: A shift of health care services towards community care has driven the need to develop the community care nursing workforce. However, challenges exist in attracting nursing graduates to a career in community care. Aim: To examine perceptions of community care and placement preference among undergraduate nursing students across different years of study in a Singapore university. Methods: This study examined perceptions of community care and placement preference among undergraduate nursing students across different years of study. A cross-sectional study was conducted using the ‘Scale on COmmunity care Perceptions’ (SCOPE). Results: Only 31.3 % of the 501 nursing students who completed the survey preferred community care placement. They rated opportunities for advancement, work status and enthusiastic colleagues in community care with relatively lower scores in the SCOPE. Students' placement preferences and year of study were predictive factors of their perceptions of community care nursing. Students who indicated their placement preference in home-based care (p < 0.001) and intermediate long-term care (p < 0.05) reported significantly positive perceptions towards community nursing as compared to students who indicated acute care as their preferred placement. Despite pre-perceived ideas among the year 1 cohort, the community care placement within their course curriculum had an impact on year 2 to 4 students' perceptions of community care. Conclusions: These findings identified key strategies to increase the community care nursing workforce which include promoting a better understanding of the role of a community nurse, providing quality community placement opportunities supported by preceptors who are good role models and fostering an optimistic career outlook and advancement in community nursing.



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