Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Nutrition & Dietetics





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School of Medical and Health Sciences


Open access publishing facilitated by The University of Sydney, as part of the Wiley - The University of Sydney agreement via the Council of Australian University Librarians


Truby, H., Allman-Farinelli, M., Beck, E. J., Beckett, E. L., Bondonno, C., Dordevic, A. L., . . . Wilkinson, S. A. (2024). Advancing the decadal plan for the science of nutrition: Progressing a framework for implementation. Nutrition & Dietetics, 81(2), 133-148.


Aims: In 2019, the Australian Academy of Science in collaboration with the nutrition community published the decadal plan for the science of nutrition. This article aims to review progress towards each of its pillar goals (societal determinants, nutrition mechanisms, precision and personalised nutrition, and education and training) and two enabling platforms (a national data capability and a trusted voice for nutrition science), prioritise actions, and conceptualise program logic implementation models. This process also brought together public health nutrition researchers to reflect on societal determinants of health, and advise how the next 5 years of the decadal plan could reflect contemporary issues. Methods: Two engagement events, in 2023, brought together experienced and mid- and early-career nutrition professionals for co-creation of implementation logic models. Results: One hundred and nine early and mid-career professionals were involved. A revised model for the decadal plan pillars emerged from synthesis of all logic models. This new model integrated the precision and personalised nutrition pillar with nutrition mechanisms pillar. These combined pillars build towards the national data capability enabling platform and created new cross-cutting themes for education and training. The need arose for greater focus on respectful engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and sustained effort to build cross-disciplinary collaboration to realise the plan's societal determinants goals. A new alliance for nutrition science is proposed to become a unified advocacy voice and build trust in nutrition professionals. Conclusions: A programmatic approach provides a road map for implementing the decadal plan for the final 5 years.



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