Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Australasian Marketing Journal




School of Business and Law




Lambert C., Fong-Emmerson, M., Coetzee, S., & D'Alessandro, S. (2024). Enhancing marketing students’ Indigenous cultural competencies through a decolonisation and authentic assessment approach. Australasian Marketing Journal. Advance online publication.


To prepare students for multicultural environments and understand consumers from different backgrounds, marketing educators must incorporate diversity into their curricula and recognise the importance of decolonisation by considering First Nations’ perspectives to promote reconciliation and better outcomes. This paper reports on a novel approach of students working directly with First Nations businesspeople to gain an applied understanding of Indigenous cultural learning. The study examines the influence of this approach on students’ learning and cultural understanding, as well as how the teaching approach and authentic assessment design within the unit improve the confidence of students to apply these learnings and engage in culturally informed practices, both presently and in their future careers. Through embracing an applied learning experience and critical self-reflexivity, students gained a greater appreciation and respect for First Nations peoples resulting in a transformational shift in their attitudes, leading to greater empowerment, respect, competence and confidence in their cultural awareness to work with First Nations. The paper fills a gap in the literature by highlighting a teaching and learning approach that engages and builds students’ Indigenous cultural competencies within the marketing discipline through a strength-based approach, thus promoting cultural sensitivity and effective communication with diverse populations.



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