Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title







School of Engineering


Kariman, H., Khiadani, M., Hoseinzadeh, S., Shoeibi, S., & Shafieian, A. (2024). Evaluation of mechanical vapor recompression and easy multi-effect desalination systems in different climate conditions-sensitivity and 7E analysis. Desalination, 582, article 117601.


Evaporative desalination systems, such as Multi-Effect Desalination (MED) and Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR), play important roles in addressing this challenge. Although large-scale desalination systems possess limitations in catering to the water demands of remote regions and islands and entail the cost of water transportation to residential areas, it is imperative to concentrate on studying the feasibility of employing centralized evaporative water production systems. Firstly, in this study, the initial focus is on conducting energy and exergy analyses of MVR and Easy MED systems, with a goal of enhancing knowledge about the energy consumption, exergy destruction and exergetic efficiency of these systems. Secondly, an economic analysis is undertaken to assess the feasibility of deploying these systems in various global regions. The analysis takes into account different geographical and techno-economic conditions, such as sea water temperature, interest rates, and electricity costs. This investigation also aims to explore variations in Annual Operative Cost (AOC), Total Annual Cost (TAC) and the cost of fresh water across these diverse regions. Thirdly, a sensitivity analysis is performed for the economic assessment of MVR and Easy MED systems. Lastly, exergoeconomic, environmental, enviroeconomic and exergoenvironmental analyses are conducted for both of these systems. The results show that the exergy efficiency of the Easy MED system surpasses that of the MVR, whereby the exergy destruction for Easy MED and MVR are recorded to be 5460 W and 6360 W respectiveyl. In addition to this, the MVR system demonstrated a higher TAC across all cities. The freshwater production cost of the Easy MED system was less expensive than of the MVR system. Perth was the most cost-effective city, with freshwater costs of 6.8 /m3 and 11.91 /m3 for MVR and Easy MED systems, respectively. Further to this, sensitivity analysis revealed that both systems are sensitive to fluctuations in electricity costs and seawater temperatures. The MVR system incurred higher fuel, product, and exergy destruction costs. However, the MVR system also exhibited greater environmental friendliness due to its lower emission of pollution gases.



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