Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Uncertain Supply Chain Management





First Page


Last Page



Growing Science


School of Business and Law


Sadha, M. J., Tarigan, Z. J. H., Siagian, F., & Jie, F. (2024). Exploring the key enabling role of digital technology for enhancing supply chain performance through supply chain collaboration, inventory management and supply chain resilience. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 12(3), 1769–1780.


The company always tries to improve competitiveness by improving company performance. Using upgraded digital technology makes it easier for internal and external companies to determine business strategies quickly and precisely. This study surveyed expedition companies in East Java, as many as 104 companies with the criteria of having a transportation fleet. Data collection using questionnaires and dissemination in collaboration with the Association of Express Delivery Service Companies, Post and Logistics Indonesia (ASPERINDO). Research respondents consist of employees or unit leaders who are competent in the substance of the survey. Data analysis uses the partial least square (PLS) method. The results showed that digital technology positively and significantly impacts supply chain collaboration, inventory management, and supply chain resilience. The company's ability to build supply chain collaboration impacts improving inventory management optimization, supply chain resilience, and supply chain performance. Furthermore, inventory management with the ability to control inventory well and on-time delivery does not impact supply chain resilience. However, good inventory management has a positive impact on supply chain performance. Likewise, shipping companies, by increasing supply chain resilience, have an impact on supply chain performance. The results of this study contribute to the theory of supply chain management and resource-based view. The practical contribution enlightens the middle and top management on the importance of digital technology with the suitability of investment and benefits obtained in improving supply chain performance.



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