Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

European Journal of Midwifery





First Page


Last Page



European Publishing


School of Nursing and Midwifery


Moran, L., Bayes, S., & Foster, K. (2024). How do professional connections and relationships impact midwives’ well-being and career sustainability? a grounded theory study protocol. European Journal of Midwifery, 8(March), article 9.


Significant attrition and projected workforce shortages within the midwifery profession are global issues. Extensive research has identified that high levels of workplace adversity, chronic stress, and increasing rates of vicarious trauma and moral injury experienced by midwives, underpin this situation. Researchers have explored midwives’ intention to stay in the midwifery workforce and identified ways to support students’ transition to professional practice. Supportive collegial relationships have been reported to be protective for new and early career midwives’ well-being and resilience. However, there is a gap in knowledge and understanding of the impact and significance of professional connections and relationships for midwives across their careers. This article describes a protocol for a study designed to explore and understand how professional connections and relationships impact midwives’ well-being and career sustainability. Glaserian Grounded Theory (GT) methodology will be used to conduct the study. Constant comparison will be used to analyze data collected from in-depth interviews with midwives at various stages in their professional careers, with the aim of understanding the significance of professional connections and relationships on their well-being and career sustainability, and in understanding the potential protections and benefits. It is anticipated that the findings and theory generated from this study will have national and international implications and provide evidence about the impacts, including benefits and any potential disadvantages, of professional relationships in sustaining midwifery careers. This will be of significant value to, as well as inform, the development of midwife retention strategies.



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