Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Health & Social Care in the Community






School of Business and Law


Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea / National Research Foundation of Korea


Salehi, N., Joshanloo, M., Lamont, S., & Whitehead, D. (2024). Predictors of life satisfaction: A nationwide investigation in Iran. Health & Social Care in the Community, 2024, article 8843363.


Iran is a developing country with low levels of economic development and globalization and is ruled by a theocratic government. To address the lack of national research on well-being in Iran, this retrospective observational study aims to examine life satisfaction and its main determinants among Iranian adults. Using World Gallup Poll data collected between 2006 and 2017, we examined life satisfaction as a cognitive aspect of subjective well-being in relation to various factors. Our results show that income is the strongest predictor of life satisfaction, followed by standard of living, gender, social support, age, negative affect, and education. In developing countries such as Iran, which face significant economic, political, and social challenges, individuals prioritize the satisfaction of basic needs by emphasizing factors such as the socioeconomic status. In contrast, developed countries with established welfare systems may emphasize other values such as social connections and healthy lifestyle behaviors as key factors in life satisfaction. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the determinants of life satisfaction in Iran and provides insights for future research and policy making.



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