Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title







School of Engineering




Dehcheshmeh, E. M., Broujerdian, V., & Aslani, F. (2024). Probabilistic alternate path analysis of steel moment-resisting frames. Structures, 62, article 106307.


This research presents a probabilistic assessment of progressive collapse in intermediate Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs) subjected to different levels of column damage. Damage levels were represented by gradual reductions in column stiffness to the extent that tensile forces are created in columns sustaining large deformations, and columns were allowed to enter completely plastic zone. To this aim, low- to mid-rise structures with 4, 8, and 12 stories were examined. The effect of composite slabs on the vertical displacement response of SMRFs was taken as a variable. A number of 11 column damage scenarios were defined with either one or two damaged columns, located at different positions in the plan, which were applied to all floor levels. Incremental dynamic analysis was conducted for each damage scenario using the finite element OpenSees framework. Moreover, a state-of-the-art approach was employed in fragility analysis. The results showed that higher floors are more sensitive to partial damage due to less structural components involved in progressive collapse. However, in case of large damages, lower floors prove to be more critical due to greater deal of gravity loads. Shorter and taller structures perform better in large and partial damages to column, respectively. Moreover, the failure probability of SMRFs reduced by considering the composite slab stiffness. Subjected to single-column damage scenarios, SMRFs reach life safety limit state once tensile forces are created in the damaged column. In contrast, all performance levels are met in double-column damages when the column has still its compressive capacity.



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