Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Applied Sciences (Switzerland)








Exercise Medicine Research Institute




Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo São Paulo State Research Fpundation (FAPESP 2020/09174-5, 2013/07375-0) CNPq (301976/2017-1)


Favoretto, D. B., Bergonzoni, E., Nascimento, D. C., Louzada, F., Lemos, T. W., Batistela, R. A., ... & Edwards, T. G. (2022). High definition tDCS effect on postural control in healthy individuals: entropy analysis of a crossover clinical trial. Applied Sciences, 12(5), 2703.


Objective: Converging evidence supporting an effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on postural control and human verticality perception highlights this strategy as promising for post-stroke rehabilitation. We have previously demonstrated polarity-dependent effects of high-definition tDCS (HD-tDCS) on weight-bearing asymmetry. However, there is no investigation regarding the time-course of effects on postural control induced by HD-tDCS protocols. Thus, we performed a nonlinear time series analysis focusing on the entropy of the ground reaction force as a secondary investigation of our randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical trial. Materials and Methods: Twenty healthy right-handed young adults received the following conditions (random order, separate days); anode center HD-tDCS, cathode center HD-tDCS or sham HD-tDCS at 1, 2, and 3 mA over the right temporo-parietal junction (TPJ). Using summarized time series of transfer entropy, we evaluated the exchanging information (causal direction) between both force plates and compared the dose-response across the healthy subjects with a Generalized Linear Hierarchical/Mixed Model (GLMM). Results: We found significant variation during the dynamic information flow (p < 0.001) among the dominant bodyside (and across time). A greater force transfer entropy was observed from the right to the left side during the cathode-center HD-tDCS up to 2 mA, with a causal relationship in the information flow (equilibrium force transfer) from right to left that decreased over time. Conclusions: HD-tDCS intervention induced a dynamic influence over time on postural control entropy. Right hemisphere TPJ stimulation using cathode-center HD-tDCS can induce an asymmetry of body weight distribution towards the ipsilateral side of stimulation. These results support the clinical potential of HD-tDCS for post-stroke rehabilitation.



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