Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title









Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science / School of Science


Santoso, T., Ho, T. M., Vinothsankar, G., Jouppila, K., Chen, T., Owens, A., ... & Le, T. T. (2024). Effects of laccase and transglutaminase on the physicochemical and functional properties of hybrid lupin and whey protein powder. Foods, 13(13), 2090.


Plant-based protein is considered a sustainable protein source and has increased in demand recently. However, products containing plant-based proteins require further modification to achieve the desired functionalities akin to those present in animal protein products. This study aimed to investigate the effects of enzymes as cross-linking reagents on the physicochemical and functional properties of hybrid plant- and animal-based proteins in which lupin and whey proteins were chosen as representatives, respectively. They were hybridised through enzymatic cross-linking using two laccases (laccase R, derived from Rhus vernicifera and laccase T, derived from Trametes versicolor) and transglutaminase (TG). The cross-linking experiments were conducted by mixing aqueous solutions of lupin flour and whey protein concentrate powder in a ratio of 1:1 of protein content under the conditions of pH 7, 40 °C for 20 h and in the presence of laccase T, laccase R, or TG. The cross-linked mixtures were freeze-dried, and the powders obtained were assessed for their cross-linking pattern, colour, charge distribution (ζ-potential), particle size, thermal stability, morphology, solubility, foaming and emulsifying properties, and total amino acid content. The findings showed that cross-linking with laccase R significantly improved the protein solubility, emulsion stability and foaming ability of the mixture, whereas these functionalities were lower in the TG-treated mixture due to extensive cross-linking. Furthermore, the mixture treated with laccase T turned brownish in colour and showed a decrease in total amino acid content which could be due to the enzyme’s oxidative cross-linking mechanism. Also, the occurrence of cross-linking in the lupin and whey mixture was indicated by changes in other investigated parameters such as particle size, ζ-potential, etc., as compared to the control samples. The obtained results suggested that enzymatic cross-linking, depending on the type of enzyme used, could impact the physicochemical and functional properties of hybrid plant- and animal-based proteins, potentially influencing their applications in food.



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