Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

International Nursing Review




School of Nursing and Midwifery


Traynor, V., Britten, N., Gibson, D., Munk, S., Chenoweth, L., Stokes, J., ... & Bail, K. (2024). Implementing a gerontological nursing competencies programme in aged care: Participant experiences. International Nursing Review. Advance online publication.


Aims: To explore the experience of registered nurses and their mentors in the implementation of the Gerontological Nursing Competencies in long-term aged care and the perceived effectiveness and suitability of the programme to support nurse development. Background: The global population is ageing and needs a reliable aged-care nursing workforce. Introduction: Opportunities for education and mentorship for newly qualified and experienced aged-care nurses warrant investigation. Methods: Qualitative evaluation using semi-structured focus groups was conducted following the implementation of the programme into five not-for-profit long-term aged-care organisations and analysed by a reflexive qualitative thematic approach and reported according to COREQ criteria. Results: A total of 21 nurses (7 mentors and 14 mentees) participated in six focus groups. Five themes were generated: (1) nurses gained confidence and competence through the programme; (2) the facilitation of suitable mentoring activities and approaches was crucial to success; (3) the programme helps nurses recognise gerontology as a specialty; (4) the programme contributes to building a strategy of recruitment/retention/quality improvement in the sector; (5) barriers, challenges, changes and recommendations were identified. Discussion: The Gerontological Nursing Competency model, which combined adaptive mentoring supported by reflective practice embedded in a gerontological nursing competencies framework, was perceived to improve nurse confidence and competence to lead and improve nursing standards of care. Conclusion and implications for nursing and health policy: The evidence-based competencies are an acceptable and effective method for supporting gerontological nurse development. Expansion of, and accessibility to, the programme may aid global responses to aged-care reform, by building the recognition of gerontological nursing as a specialty and contributing towards recruitment, retention and quality care improvements.



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