Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Title
Technology, Knowledge and Learning
School of Education
This research examines the effect of critical reflection activities in an educational environment that uses active and blended learning experiences for students to develop confidence, motivation, and engagement with their learning. A mixed-methods research approach was adopted on a sample of 137 Communications and Media students, who were involved in a game-based project. Using a validated survey instrument to measure the students’ perceptions of their experiences, Pearson Correlation coefficient was used to estimate the relationship between the learning activities and students’ perceived confidence, motivation, and engagement. Finally, multiple linear regression was used to determine the effect of the critical reflection activities. This study identifies several variables that significantly contribute to student confidence, motivation, and engagement with learning. Yet, some variables were identified that also diminish students’ confidence, motivation, and engagement. Learning activities that show statistically weak and strong significant relationships were also identified. Some factors that significantly impacted students’ confidence, motivation, and engagement include better understanding of course topics; direct relevance of an online critical reflection; students’ motivation to learn more about the subject; clear, timely, and in-depth feedback; and the use of some pedagogical triggers.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Awidi, I. T., & Klutsey, J. Q. (2024). Using online critical reflection to enhance students’ confidence, motivation, and engagement in higher education. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. Advance online publication.