Exploring self-employed and salaried worker retirement plans
Author Identifier
Janice Redmond: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6142-5844
Margaret Giles: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3260-6811
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Title
The Journal of Retirement
Portfolio Management Research
School of Business and Law
This article explores past financial choices, current financial literacy, and the retirement plans of an Australian sample of male and female salaried and self-employed workers, aged about 50 years. Our surveys collected socio-demographic information, financial literacy knowledge, and retirement expectations. Interviews gathered financial decision-making history using the critical incident technique. The data, which comprise 38 case studies, showed that self-employed workers have slightly better financial literacy than salaried workers, but they are less likely to have financial plans for their retirement. The most common types of critical financial incidents were ongoing business-related issues for self-employed workers and finance and superannuation issues for salaried workers.
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Redmond, J. & Giles, M. (2025). Exploring self-employed and salaried worker retirement plans. The Journal of Retirement, 12(3). https://doi.org/10.3905/jor.2024.1.169