Author Identifier

Kazunori Nosaka:

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise


Wolters Kluwer


Centre for Human Performance / School of Medical and Health Sciences




National Science and Technology Council (NSTC 111-2410-H-003-147-MY3) / National Taiwan Normal University


Chen, T. C., Tseng, W. C., Kang, H. Y., Chan, C. W., Chen, H. L., & Nosaka, K. (2024). Effects of eccentric exercise of the extensors on eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage of the flexors in limbs. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Advance online publication.


Introduction: We tested the hypothesis that muscle damage protection effect would be induced by its antagonist muscle eccentric exercise. Methods: Sedentary young (20-28y) men were randomly assigned into six groups; three groups each for arm or leg exercise group (n=12/group). One group performed two bouts of 30 maximal eccentric contractions (30MaxEC) of the elbow flexors (EF) or 60 maximal eccentric contractions (60MaxEC) of the knee flexors (KF) using a different arm (contra-EF-EF) or leg (contra-KF-KF) between bouts. The other two groups performed 30MaxEC of the elbow extensors (EE) or 60MaxEC of the knee extensors (KE) first followed by the 30MaxEC of EF or 60MaxEC of KF using the ipsilateral (ipsi-EE-EF, ipsi-KE-KF) or contralateral limb (contra-EE-EF, contra-KE-KF). The two exercise bouts were separated by 2 weeks for all groups. Changes in muscle damage markers before to 5 days following exercise were compared among the groups by mixed-design two-way ANOVAs. Results: Changes in the markers following the second bout of the ipsi-EE-EF, contra-EE-EF, ipsi-KE-KF, and contra-KE-KF groups were smaller (P<0.05) than those after the first bout of the contra-EF-EF and contra-KF-KF groups, respectively. The changes after the second bout were smaller (P<0.05) for the ipsiEE-EF than contra-EE-EF, and ipsi-KE-KF than contra-KE-KF group; however, those in the contra-EE-EF and contra-KE-KF groups were larger (P<0.05) than those following the second bout of the contra-EF-EF and contra-KF-KF groups. Conclusions: These results showed that the magnitude of muscle damage of EF or KF was reduced by the initial bout of EE or KE eccentric exercise performed by both ipsilateral and contralateral limbs, suggesting that muscle damage protective effect is conferred by the antagonist muscle in the same and opposite limbs.



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