Empowerment through choice: The interplay of choice and control after spinal cord or brain injury

Author Identifier

Mandy Stanley: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7958-5181

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Disability and Rehabilitation


Taylor & Francis


School of Medical and Health Sciences




Lifetime Support Authority University of South Australia (GA00054)


van Kessel, G., Mackintosh, S., Murray, C. M., Guerin, M., Fryer, C. E., & Stanley, M. (2024). Empowerment through choice: the interplay of choice and control after spinal cord or brain injury. Disability and Rehabilitation. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2024.2432909


Purpose: To gain knowledge of the early phase post-injury experiences related to choice and control for individuals living with acquired brain injury or spinal cord injury, as well as their caregivers. Materials and Methods: A qualitative study was conducted to understand the experiences of individuals with acquired brain injury or spinal cord injury and their caregivers in the early phase post-injury, focusing on the aspects of choice and control. Nine individuals with acquired brain injury or spinal cord injury and four of their caregivers participated in semi-structured in-depth interviews, and the data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Four themes emerged: (1) Passenger in the system, (2) Can’t do it alone, (3) I want to improve, and (4) A new normal. A sense of empowerment or vulnerability may be influenced by participants’ experiences of choice and control. Conclusion: The study offers insights for healthcare professionals aiming to enhance the sense of choice and control for individuals living with acquired brain injury or spinal cord injury. An approach involving shared control and promoting choice, agency, and empowerment may positively influence post-injury experiences for these individuals.



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