Profiling the readiness and barriers toward digital technology adoption among the SMEs
Author Identifier
Ferry Jie:
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Title
International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore)
School of Business and Law
Diponegoro University (609-130/UN7.D2/PP/2024) / World Class University Program, Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education
This research aims to develop a multi-item scale that measures SMEs’ digital technology adoption readiness, identifies SMEs’ digital technology readiness groups, and maps the relationship between potential barriers to digital technology adoption readiness. This research uses several methods for data processing technique, such as the Content Validity Method, Analytic Network Process (ANP), Multi-Attribute Value Theory (MAVT), two-step Clustering and Discriminant Analysis, and Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM). The research findings revealed that the SMEs surveyed can be clustered into two distinct groups: those considered for adoption and those already adopted. Most of the surveyed SMEs are part of the already adopted group. The distinctions among the groups were predicated on four indicators. The lack of cooperativeness of all members of SMEs and the lack of upkeep and maintenance costs allocated by SMEs to adopt digital technology are the most influential barriers to achieving a higher level of digital technology adoption. The practical consequences of this research include the management or owners of SMEs and policymakers prioritizing helping all members of SMEs and allocating funds to enhance their degree of digital technology readiness. Additionally, the policymaker should prioritize addressing the variations in the readiness levels of SMEs in providing assistance.
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Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N. B., Anindyanari, O. S., & Jie, F. (2024). Profiling the readiness and barriers toward digital technology adoption among the SMEs. International Journal of Information Technology. Advance online publication.