Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering






School of Engineering




Al-Yaseri, A., Yekeen, N., Ali, M., Pal, N., Verma, A., Abdulelah, H., ... & Sarmadivaleh, M. (2022). Effect of organic acids on CO2-rock and water-rock interfacial tension: Implications for CO2 geo-storage. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 214, 110480.


A small concentration of organic acid in carbon dioxide (CO2) storage formations and caprocks could significantly alter the wettability of such formations into less water-wet conditions, decreasing the CO2-storage potential and containment security. Recent studies have attempted to infer the influence of the organic acid concentration on the wettability of rock–CO2–brine systems by measuring advancing and receding contact angles. However, no studies have investigated the influence of organic acid contamination on CO2-storage capacities from rock-fluid interfacial tension (IFT) data because solid-brine and solid-CO2 IFT values cannot be experimentally measured. Equilibrium contact angles and rock-fluid IFT datasets were used to evaluate the viability of CO2 storage in storage rocks and caprocks. First, the contact angles of rock in brine-CO2 systems were measured to compute Young's equilibrium contact angles. Subsequently, rock-brine and rock-gas IFT values at CO2 geo-storage conditions were computed via a modified form of Neumann's equation of state. For two storage-rock minerals (quartz and calcite) and one caprock mineral (mica), the results demonstrated high CO2-brine equilibrium contact angles at high pressure (0.1–25 MPa) and increasing concentrations of stearic acid (10−5 to 10−2 mol/L). Rock-brine IFT increased with the increased stearic acid concentration but remained constant with increased pressure. In all conditions, the order of increasing hydrophobicity of the mineral surfaces is calcite > mica > quartz. At 323 K, 25 MPa, and a stearic acid concentration of 10−2 mol/L, quartz became intermediate-wet with a CO2-brine equilibrium contact angle of 89.8°, whereas mica and calcite became CO2-wet with CO2-brine equilibrium contact angles of 117.5° and 136.5°, respectively. This work provides insight into the effects of organic acids inherent in CO2 geo-storage formations and caprocks on rock wettability and rock-fluid interfacial interactions.



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