Document Type
Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
This Summary is based on the Review of epidemiology, prevention and management of blood-borne viruses experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (2024).
It aims to provide a synthesis of key information on blood-borne viruses (BBVs) experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia, focusing primarily on hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and human immunodeficiency virus.
It covers: the historical, social and cultural context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and BBVs the extent of BBVs, including incidence, prevalence, health service utilisation, hospitalisation, mortality, and burden of disease prevention and management of BBVs relevant programs, services, policies and strategies that address the health issue of BBVs experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples future directions for addressing BBV disparities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet. (2024). Summary of epidemiology, prevention and management of blood-borne viruses experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Perth, W.A. Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet.